Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Who Cleans up Crimes Scenes in Florida?

Specialty television programs such as Law and Order and CSI are becoming popular. Audiences watching these shows think they know what a crime scene looks like. In the beginning, staff and authorities must work together. They secure the area where the crime is committed. Then officers collect evidence.

But there’s a less obvious aspect that may not necessarily be seen on television. Who cleans up after a murder?

What Does the Job of a Crime Scene Cleaner Involve?

The job of a crime scene cleaner consists of emptying and cleaning a dwelling. This occurs after the police or investigators have passed by.

A cleaner is often confronted with violent death scenes. In particular, he cleans bloodstains. He intervenes here to relieve the relatives of a victim. For them, this cleaning could be both traumatic and dangerous.

Mask, overalls, and specific products are the daily routine of a crime cleaner. He must respect hygiene measures.

Why Should I Hire a Crime Scene Cleanup Company?

image of CSI employees, a van and two employeesThere is no specific rule in the federal or national law regarding the clean-up of a murder scene. However, this does not prevent health protocols from having to be put in place. If they are not respected, all those involved in cleaning up the scene can see their health deteriorate. Blood and body fluids are highly toxic and can survive outside the dead body for several weeks. 

Special care and attention must thus be taken. This will ensure the protection of all persons connected with the victim or the crime scene. Crime Scene Intervention teams are highly-skilled. They remove dangerous biological contaminants from crime scenes. They are not only well equipped, but they also protect others from life-threatening infections.

What Does a Process of Crime Scene Cleaning Require?

1) Adequate training:

There is no special agency responsible for training in this specific profession. In this case, crime scene cleaners are certified and trained in exposure to chemicals and blood-borne pathogens. These skills allow the work to be done safely.

2) Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

It is essential that all crime scene cleaners wear protective equipment. PPE includes:

  • Respiratory equipment
  • Double-layer gloves
  • Biohazard suits

3) Cross-contamination Prevention:

Crime Scene Cleaners delineate three areas:

  • Clean zone
  • Buffer zone
  • Control zone

They use bio-tape and plastic sheeting for this purpose. These zones separate the contaminated areas from the rest of the building.

4) Sanitation:

The contaminated area is first cleaned and then the surfaces are tested to see if living organisms are still present. Once the process is complete, the cleaners check that the ATP levels are at 0. Only then is the crime scene considered clean.

5) Correct disposal of biohazardous materials:

When the cleaners announce the end of the intervention and the scene is restored and finally secured, they must dispose of all biohazardous materials. This includes blood-soaked furniture and carpets, among others.

Need Help? Contact Crime Scene Intervention!

Crime Scene Intervention is a leading provider of blood, body fluid, and death cleanup services in Florida.

The teams that intervene are aware that you are going through a very difficult time in your life. They will relieve you of the burden of crime scene cleanup so that you can focus on what is really important.

Contact us at 561-250-0822 at any time and you will receive the support and information you need.


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