Saturday, June 20, 2020

Details of Bioremediation

Over the past 20 years, new technologies and advances in the biotechnology industry have been rapid. This is due to the pressure on companies to address the issue of environmental pollution.


Bioremediation is an example of biotechnology that combats pollutants and contaminants. Several methods are used for this purpose by biotechnology professionals. In view of this exponential population growth, they need to keep all technological processes up to date.


You may not yet be familiar with the concept of bioremediation. Yet it is a rapidly growing concept with many practical applications. Read on to learn more about this topic.


What is Bioremediation Technology?


Bio Depollution is an ancient technique that today plays an important role in:

  • Wastewater treatment
  • Solid waste reuse
  • Depollution of polluted environments

Bioremediation consists of the voluntary usage of microorganisms to get rid of pollutants. It is a more recently developed technique that requires a multidisciplinary approach. This is due to the complexity of the polluting agents and the environments to be treated.


In-situ bioremediation of groundwater is aimed at heterogeneous, often polyphasic environments. Pollutants in such places are also very heterogeneously distributed.


The complexity of the development of bioremediation processes requires the implementation of a set of skills. Those can be provided by:

  • Microbiologists
  • Geologists
  • Hydrologists
  • Ecologists
  • Chemists


Bioremediation Examples and Explanations


1) Contaminated Soil


Mining, oil and gas extraction, agriculture and industrial processes all contribute to the contamination of the planet’s soils. Unfortunately, current decontamination methods are costly. They are also far from environmentally friendly. But all this could soon change thanks to bioremediation. By combining plants, fungi, and bacteria, bioremediation is a green technology. It is both effective and safe.


2) Oil Spill


Marine accidents can result in oil spills that are very difficult to clean up. Some of the fuel in ships’ tanks spills into the sea. The use of booms is limited because they do not prevent all leaks. New technologies are thus being developed. They have the potential to enhance the natural biodegradation that microbes perform in the sea.


Today, there are two different types of bioremediation that are used in oil spill cleanup interventions:

  • Bioaugmentation – introducing a few microbes to break down the oil.
  • Biostimulation – adding nutrients to the polluted area to stimulate the innate microbes who are already there.`

After devouring the oil, the bacteria are ingested by the plankton eaten by the fish. This method of cleaning oil integrates the marine food chain.


3) Crime Scene Cleanup


The final and most recurring category of bioremediation is crime scene clean-up. When biohazards have contaminated property as a result of an accident or crime, bioremediation is the most effective cleaning method. Potential hazards include

  • Blood
  • Body fluids
  • Body tissues
  • Infectious diseases.

In the past, it was common for cleaners to use bleach and ammonia to clean the area. Yet, these chemicals can have harmful effects on the environment. Instead, biodegradation uses enzymatic cleaners to treat biohazardous materials and surfaces.


Get in touch with Crime Scene Intervention for more information.


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